Saturday, January 5, 2013


I am so sorry for the lack of updates. We haven't had the Internet since summer and updating from my phone is hard. Since the last update Eli had a new MRI done. The MRI did show growth of the tumor. The doctor at MD Anderson is now working on getting a protocol together so Eli can start some medication. He says it is a mild chemotherapy drug. Most side effects are stomach related. He says he won't loose his hair or anything like that. In December Eli got a really bad stomach virus. Since then we had to change his formula because for some reason he just couldn't handle the old formula any more. After that virus he had some blood come out of his g tube stomach content. It was this weird purple brown color. The next day his poop turned black, which indicated there was blood in his poop as well. The GI doctor ran some blood work and started him on some ulcer medicine. She said if it happens again she wants to scope him to see where the blood is coming from.

I forgot to mention that on Halloween Eli started walking! We were so proud of him and it still amazes me today to see him doing so well. He still is not tolerating the speaking valve, which is heart breaking. I wish I could hear him talk. I think that is everything. I promise I will try and start updating the page more often. I've also made a facebook page for him. Follow the link and like his page. I'll be able to update more frequently from there. I just started it today so give me a few days and I'll get pictures and things added to it as well.

1 comment:

  1. My name is Tracie, and I'm a fellow August 2010 BBC mom. I just wanted you to know that we are praying for you guys! Congrats to Eli for walking!! :)
