Friday, March 1, 2013


This is just a mini update to let everyone know that Eli will be have a bronchoscopy and endoscopy on the 6th of March. The bronchoscopy will be checking on his air way. They want to see if it is still narrowing due to the tumor or if they are kinda holding their own and staying open. The endoscopy will be a first for him. I have been asking them to do one for awhile because I believe that the tumor has some how cut off or maybe made the esophagus not work properly. The reason why I think this is because anytime Eli tries to swallow whole food its like it gets stuck and the only thing it can do is come back up. I pray that I'm not right and that eventually he will be able to eat by mouth some what, but honestly I'm not an optimistic person. I always look at the what ifs in life. I know I shouldn't but its just part of my personality. Anyways I will be updating his facebook that day, it might take until the weekend before I get a chance to update here on the blog.

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