Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Admitted to the hospital again

Eli was admitted to our local hospital on Monday. He started throwing up on Sunday night and he just wasn't holding anything down, not even pedialite. Then Monday morning before his appointment his secretions (the stuff we suck out of the trach) turned yellow. The doctor wasn't sure what was really going on but he wanted to get some fluids in him and run some tests. He was thinking it could possibly be pneumonia. They took some blood and a culture from his trach secretions. The blood work showed he has an infection, they just had to narrow it down. Today the preliminary culture results came back and he has 3 different bacterias growing right now. I'm not sure what all of them are, but one of them is E coli. They said they should have the full results in tomorrow afternoon. I'm not really sure how long he will be here, they were saying we can possibly go home tomorrow. I guess it all depends on what the culture says. As far as the E coli goes I'm pretty sure I know how it got there and his name is Eli. He has discovered that if puts his finger in his trach he can make noises. He has also discovered this week that he likes to dig in his diaper. He is like Al Bundy. I'm always having to pull his hand out of his diaper. I guess I'm just going to have to start keeping shorts on him while we are at home. He gets pretty hot, but I'd rather him be a little warm than go through this crap.


  1. Hi~ I came across your blog b/c a friend of mine follows you...I noticed your son had a trach and what appears to be a Mic-key button? My brother had both of those....he had severe cerebral palsy and scoliosis...I just want to say I think blogging about yours and his experience though this is a great idea. I'll be keeping up with Eli's journey :)

  2. Thank you, this blog is kinda like my therapy. Hopefully one day he can read it and see how much he has gone through and how strong he is.
