Friday, June 15, 2012


Eli got to come home today. They have him on a nebulizer treatment that puts antibiotics directly into his lungs. They said there was a few things growing on the culture, but mainly e coli. He is doing a lot better now.

Night Nurses

We are no longer using night nurses. We just could not find enough good nurses to fill all 7 days. I think we went through about 10 nurses and we really only liked 1. I called and asked them to switch us to day nurses and requested them to ask the night nurse that we liked to switch to days. I only want help Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I just want someone there so I can keep my house clean and be able to spend some one on one time with my older son Dakota. The agency called back today and said our nurse agreed to switch to days and was also fine with the days we requested. It will be such a relief to not have to deal with people in and out of our house.

Some of the things that really got on my nerves about the nurses. Some nurses would come in and have a know it all attitude. Some would even go as far as asking me stuff like now you know you need to wear gloves to suction. Or just stupid remarks that we obviously know. Then some of them were just lazy and never wanted to do anything. They would just sit and play on their phone. We really like our nurse because she is laid back, but also willing to help as much as possible. She is always quick to get his medicine ready before its time without me asking or reminding her. It's just going to make our lives a lot less stressful and a lot more happy. Plus Eli doesn't like all the different nurses in and out. Now he just has one he can get use to and become comfortable with.

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