Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Leg Braces

Today Eli got measured for leg braces or AFO's. His therapist's and doctor both think he needs them for weak ankles, probably caused from the OI. I'm actually really excited for him to get them. Other people have kinda been sad about it and have said things like what else will he have to have and poor guy. I think its great because it will hopefully help him walk. He is 19 months old and still is not walking on his own. He has been cruising the furniture since about 13 months and he took a few independent steps at the end of January, but I guess he tweaked an ankle because he stopped taking steps and even stopped wanting to hold our hand to walk about the beginning of March. My hopes are that with the leg braces and physical therapy he will be walking independently by his 2nd birthday. He is already so close, I think these braces will just push him over the hump and he will be chasing his brother around in no time. Those are just my hopes though. I am also fully prepared mentally if it takes him another 6 months or more to become an independent walker, just don't tell my aching lower back.

On a side note his braces will be super cool looking. We got to pick the design today as well. I was hoping for something like flames, but it was either butterflies or something they called the tornado. It is a swirl of the colors green, red and yellow. We picked the tornado with a bright green strap. We go back in two weeks to try them on. Once we get them I will be sure to post some pictures of Eli rockin his cool braces.

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