Sunday, May 6, 2012

Day 19

Today Eli had to do a 3 hour car seat test. They wanted to make sure that he could handle the car seat with his trach and he didn't have any desaturation of his oxygen. He did really well. He watched a movie the first hour and a half and slept the rest of the time.

All that is left in order for us to go home is to complete our CPR class tomorrow. After that we will be discharged and they are sending Eli home in an ambulance. The ambulance is just in case something happens. We live 240 miles from the hospital and they didn't want to send us home freshly trained and something happen on the side of the road. I'm fine with the ambulance, I'd rather be safe than sorry.
We are so excited about going home, we miss our family and most of all Eli's big brother Dakota.

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