Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Home Sweet Home

After 20 days in the hospital Eli and I were so happy to be home. It has been a mad house though since we walked in the door. I've been dealing with medical supply companies, nursing companies, organizing Eli's room and medical supply closet. It's just been non stop. Eli has enjoyed every minute of it though. He was so happy to be home. As soon as I put him down he went straight to the room and started pulling out toys. He's not liking the night nurse situation. I think that if I was comfortable with changing his trach myself I wouldn't need them. Maybe in a few month we will transition to no nursing, but for now I need their help and knowledge.

Our CPR baby. Such and intimadating class. I felt like I needed to just record it for future purposes. It's a good thing they gave us a written instruction paper for home, in case my brain decides not to work.

Eli's first ambulance ride. It was a long trip home in the ambulance, but the EMT's were very nice and chatty.

Today is the first day home by myself. I feel like I haven't stopped since Eli got up. Between trach care and suctioning and giving him his medicine and feeding tube stuff and still trying to take care of Dakota and make sure he is fed and happy too. I've felt a little stretched today. Hopefully as we are here by ourselves more the more of a routine we will get into. Right now I'm just trying to keep up with the sound of my alarm going off for some sort of care Eli needs. I don't know what I would do with out my phone. I have every feed and every medicine set up as an alarm so I won't forget. It's been a life saver, but also sometimes I'm like really its already time for him to eat again, I just fed him. Time has just been flying by. Thankfully both boys are taking a nap right now and I'm sitting on the couch catching up the blog and just breathing in the silence. It's amazing!

Eli's supply closet

This table holds a weeks worth of supplies and misc stuff. the small side table has the suction machine and nebulizer. under the table is spare oxygen tanks, a concentrator and all our travel bags. 

1 comment:

  1. Yay for being at home! Eli looks comfy-cozy snug in his crib :)
