Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 14/MRI Results

We got the results for the MRI today. As we expected the tumors have grown. They are pretty concerned about the one in his chest because it is wrapped around his lung and some vessels. We were suppose to send the vent back to the medical supply place and the doctors told them we need to keep it in case of an emergency. It's pretty heart breaking to hear people say oh these tumors don't grow and then get these results. I don't understand what is going on. I don't know what to do or how to do it. I'm at a loss of words and feel so sad and so angry that this is happening. My poor sweet Eli is oblivious to what is going on. I'm going to be getting the written report and the DVD of the scan sometime this week. When I get it I will post some of it because I don't know how to explain everything.
This is the tumor in his chest. Picture yourself looking down into his chest from the top of his head. The spine is the little white circle at the bottom and all the white in the center of the picture above the spine is the tumor.

Another view: The tumor up top is the white, the black in his lungs is air. I'm not sure what is going on in his abdomen so I can't explain all that.

My Sweet Baby Eli


  1. I wish I could just hug you both, I'm so sorry your sweet boy is going through this, he is so blessed to have you as his mother!
    Love to you both!

  2. Ash I am so praying for eveyone involved, I pray the doctors will find an answer for all problems. While you have been with Eli, D and I have become close. I take him to the park and McDonalds. I love you all very much. You are a GREAT MOTHER TO YOUR BOYS, I hope I can be half the mom you are. Please know I pray every day for your/our family. I miss you! Phyllis Sullivan

  3. Thank you Nancy! Phyllis Thank you so much for being there for Dakota. I know he has to be confused about everything. He loves you guys and adores Anna. You have to tell Justin that he needs to give Dakota some cowboy lessons, teach him how to rope and the rules for his cowboy hat lol

  4. Just wanted to tell you that I love you guys. Sorry I can't be by your side while we sit around wondering. I feel like I'm never there please don't hate me for this. Its the sickest feeling knowing little eli is going through this and we absolutely have no control. I've said it time and time again I want to swap him places if I only knew how. Love you and see you guys soon
