Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 13/MRI

Eli got his MRI today. They had some people cancel so they went ahead and did all the scans today. It took about 4 hours. He went to sleep fast and woke up just fine. He was snuggling the nurse when I went back to see him. They said we should know the results tomorrow.

As far as feeding have gone. He was NPO after midnight so it's kinda hard to say. He started back on the formula at about 4 or 5 tonight. He hasn't thrown up yet, but he has only been on the feeds for about 5 hours and they are pumping it really slow. The rate he is getting right now is 1 oz an hour. Tomorrow we will know more with how he is doing on the new medicine and if it will work for him.

This is called an HME or artificial nose. It heats and moistens the air that he breathes through the trach
We will probably be in the hospital until next Monday. I still have to take the CPR class sometime this week. I'm not sure when that is scheduled. Then my husband and I both have to take a trach care class and my husband is only able to come down here to Houston on the weekends. So our trach care class will be on Saturday. If everything looks good we will get to go home Monday. It seems so far away. Eli and I both miss our family. It really stinks that we have to be so far from home just to get the care he needs.

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