Monday, April 23, 2012

Day 6

Eli has had a very rough morning. They changed out his trach at about 7:30 to the smaller one. They also started taking him off all the sedation and pain meds. About an hour after the trach was changed his oxygen started to drop into the 60's. They bagged him and suctioned and they weren't getting anything out. ENT came and did a scope to make sure the trach was in the right position. Then they did an x ray to check his lungs. They said that he has a lot of fluid in them which is understandable since he has been on all the meds and laying down for 6 days now. They started him on these weird breathing treatments where this machine pulsates air into his lungs while giving him medicine at the same time. It's kinda like a breathing treatment with a nebulizer but completely different.

Right now he is resting comfortably, but we are going to be in the ICU for one more day because of all the problems with his lungs. They did end up giving him some methadone today and now they are just waiting to see if he will need more or if his body is good to go without any medicine.

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