Saturday, April 28, 2012

Day 11

Eli did really well on the 24 hour no vent trial. He is still off the vent and doing amazing! He is still having problems throwing up though. The GI team came and seen us today. They are putting him on a medication that is suppose to speed up his digestion. If the medication does not work and he continues to throw up then they said they will start running a series of tests to see what the problem might be. It just really sucks. We were all hoping that getting the g tube would just fix his throwing up. It's really disappointing. I'm glad we are still in the hospital though so they can work on getting him better. The plan is with this medicine we are going to work him back up to his normal feeding schedule that he had at home before the surgery. Also on Monday and Tuesday he is going to be getting his MRI's. Monday he will get his brain and neck and Tuesday he will get his chest and abdomen. They split it up because if they did them all at once it would take over 4 hours and they don't want to sedate him for that long. As long as we get the MRI's I'm happy.

Eli's Daddy and brother came to visit this weekend. It is so nice having other family around. I taught my husband how to suction and he helped me do trach care. We did it all by ourselves without a nurse. I think I am starting to feel more and more comfortable in taking care of him and knowing what he needs. I've had to relearn his sounds because they are different with the trach. Even his yawns sound different. As a mom you learn what each cry means and whether a cough is a sick cough or just a random cough. It's weird to kinda have to start over. I was a little jumpy to the new sounds at first. but I'm slowing starting to figure them out.  Everything takes time I guess.

1 comment:

  1. Its was nice to see him up and about. It was nice to get to see you guys without the computer. Just wish I could do more. Love you guys. Everyone pray that we can get this throwing up issue resolved I feel like options are running out.
