Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 8

Eli has been really sleepy today. The doctors said to try and keep him up as much as possible so he will sleep tonight. I've been distracting him with his favorite movies and trying to keep him entertained with toys.
They are trying to wean him off the vent. Today they took him off the vent for 4 hours and then checked his blood gases to see how he did. They said that he was putting out too much co2 (breathing too fast is the non doctor term) and that tomorrow they will try again and see how he does.
He also had physical therapy today. They made him pull to standing and also tried to get him to crawl. He worked really hard. The therapist and I are in agreement that he is holding himself back because he is afraid to move certain ways thinking it will hurt him. He did really well though and hopefully he starts to gain confidence soon.  
I've been watching the nurses like a hawk and trying to pick up as much information from them as possible. Today I suctioned him for the first time and later when we clean the trach site I'm going to ask to help as much as possible. They said I won't take the trach class until I've had some bed side training, that's why I've been trying to watch and learn as much as possible.
The care coordinator came by today and she is setting us up with a medical supply company and an at home nursing company for when we go home. She said that they will set up for an ambulance to take him home, which is nice because I was kinda worrying how that was going to work with us living 240 miles from the hospital.


  1. Wow! What a difference a day makes! Eli looks like he's feeling better than yesterday. :)

  2. He does really look good. Most of the swelling is gone. I was really surprised what laying in bed paralyzed can do to the body. His head was all shaped funny and swollen. He is starting to look like his old self.
